Neko Para Vol. 0 [Minazuki Nekotachi no Nichijou!] Review

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Neko Para Vol. 0 [Minazuki Nekotachi no Nichijou!] - ネコぱら Vol.0 水無月ネコたちの日常!
is a prequel to the visual novel also by Neko Works and published by Sekai Project on steam - Neko Para Vol. 1.

What's NEKOPARA? Why, it's a cat paradise! 

This is a story just before Kashou (Master) opened "La Soleil". 

The eldest daughter of the Minaduki household and their 6 catgirls go to wake up their master; prepare breakfast; clean up the house; go out on a walk; make dinner; take a bath; sleep together; et cetera, et cetera. 

Enjoy a page from the leisurely, daily lives of Shigure and the Minaduki household's catgirls! 

- from steam page

Being a pretty decent fan of Neko Para vol. 1 for what it was worth, I gave it a 6/10 over at VNDB, I felt this prequel / fan disc showcasing some small slice of life and nit bits of the lives of our wonderful cat girls was perfectly timed. Having read Vol.1 on the day of release and not revisiting since then I was ready to dive back into this world of wonderful cat-girls with the awesome new touch feature and good old screen bounce effects.

Even though I enjoyed the main story of vol. 1 the plot was nothing special story wise other then the nicely paced character development between our 2 main cats 'Chocola' and 'Vanilla' and their 'master' Kashou. - Vanilla being best girl obviously. As of this I gave it the score I did, but moving onto Vol. 0.
Since I've spent my time else were reading more heavy subjects as of late I really wasn't expecting much from this second game. However I was pleasantly surprised by how much I had missed these lovely cat girls and their someone generic but all the same funny jokes. From the comical 'cat fights' (poor pun I know) between Maple and Azuki to the sexual commentary coming from Cinnamon ever chance she got. Be if this visual novel had longer then a 1-2 hour read time, these elements would have become very repetitive and boring fast. Luckily for the short amount of time it took me to complete (45 minutes) these elements remained fresh and it was a nice change of pace along with something I really enjoyed.

As for the read time to price comparison. Neko Para Vol. 0 as of release today (17/08/2015) is priced at:

£1.99   (GBP)
$2.99   (USD)
2.99 €  (EUR)

With a read time of less then 2 hours according to VNDB. Id say it is worth it completely if you've read Vol. 1 and want more of the same sort of deal. If you haven't read Neko Para Vol. 1 Now is also a great time to pick it up from steam as its got a 50% deal going on.
Just be warned the steam version is an all age copy so if you're looking for the full uncut game you'll have to find the work around yourself (pretty easily) or buy from another disruptor which is what I initially did before picking up a steam copy at a later date for those achievements and cute cards.

With that said Neko Para Vol. 0 is an all age game with no 18+ content (other then a short bath scene with the all to annoying return of steam clouds). The main after feel I got was this short story is very much adding onto the world we already know and love. It was nice to see a little more of the home life and some of the other cats which aren't shown to much in the first game and because of this I have to give the game some praise. Mainly due to the fact I didn't expect myself to have missed these characters so much from my first introduction to the world. Not to mention the music like many other visual novels is very catchy and not all that distracting making the whole read a very pleasurable thing.

So to round up I'd recommend Neko Para Vol. 0 if you've read the first installation and are looking for a quick read with the same lovely characters (and without the erotic content).

As for my personal rating I gave Vol. 0 a 5/10.

Even though this looks like a low score I'd consider this VN to not better than the first mainly due to the length and lack of engaging 'plot' but a nice addition to the franchise and would love to see more. We don't really get anything new other then a nice look back at their lives at home which I feel could have easily been in the original game or even added on in a flash back sort of style to a future game. I enjoyed my time with this short read and look forward to any further works that may or may not come of it and remember Vanilla best cat girl.


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